Custom Robots.txt files help your blogger to be easily crawled by Google and other search engines. If you thoroughly  set up this Custom Robots Header Tags, it will improve your blog’s SEO.
How to set your custom robots  header tags
Login on , on the left side of your control panel , locate the settings and click on it. NOW click on “search preference” under the settings.
After locating the search preference and after clicking on it , find the  CRAWLERS AND INDEXING. under crawlers  and indexing,  locate the  “custom header  tags” and enable it by editing it.
Now check and  pay attention to this part ,  any single mistake you make can stop google from noticing your whole website.
NOW click on edit and  Mark all these: 
Home page : all , noodp 
Archive and search pages: noindex, noodp 
Default for post and pages: all , noodp
After ticking all that ,  now click on save changes. If you still find it difficult,  see the screenshot help below.
Custom robot header tags meaning 
1. nosnippet: Whenever Search Engines pull up your website, the snippet function helps people to peep at your content. Just like a little preview. Selecting this means that no preview of your web content will show.

2. All: this  means you want any  crawlers to crawl the whole contents on your website/blog, like search engines will be able to find your contents.

3. noindex: this means your blog/website will be  kept hidden, unless you share your blog or page URL with others, your site will be hard to get noticed.
4. nofollow : this  allows robots from search engine to check your posts for outbound links. This are links you mention on your posts. So if you don’t want them them to do this, then choose nofollow
5. noimageindex: This is the part you decide whether Google should index your images or not. If your images are indexed, other people can use them. Notwithstanding allowing your images to be indexed is very healthy for your Search Engine Optimization, SEO. Thus, if you select this means that your images will not be indexed by Google and the custom robots header tags.
6. noodp: Open Directory Project, ODP also referred to as Directory Mozilla, DMOZ is an open content-directory for web pages. Often time Google and other search engine can go through this open directory. A directory is just like a phone book. If you select this, then means you are turning it off.

7. none: this  means crawlers will neither index your page nor check up on your outbound links. Thus, this is the effective combination of noindex and nofollow custom robots head tags

8. unavailable_after: Here you are telling Google to deindex an already captured or indexed page on search after a certain time. You are saying hey Google, let this page go after so and so time.
9. noarchive: When your blog went live, Google being who they are, took a snapshot of your blog and cached and archive it. Selecting this means that Google shouldn’t keep a copy of your blog.
10. notranslate: Means you don’t want your website to be translated if you choose to check the box.

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