Blogger is free, so it definitely has some limitations. Even though most of us would never reach these limits, it is good to know them.

Limitations of Blogger

  1. Number of Blogs: The maximum is 100 blogs for each account.
  2. A limited number of Team Members: The maximum is 100 members for each blog.
  3. Number of Labels: maximum 2000 / 1 blog and 20 / 1 post.
  4. Size of Pages: maximum 1 MB HTML code.
  5. Size of Image: maximum 250K per image (limits for mobile-only, unlimited with desktop)
  6. Size of Image Hosting: maximum 1GB per account, but can increase when you link Blogger with G+.
  7. Blog Description Length: maximum of 500 characters, raw text, not HTML.
  8. “About Me” Description Length: Maximum 1200 characters
  9. “Profile Interests and Favorites” Length: 2000 characters in each field.

Blogger doesn’t have any limit for the Number of Posts, Pages, Comments, and also has no limit for the Number of Images, you just upload any images until you reach the size of Image Hosting. There is no limit for the size of the post too.

Even if you reach the limits, Google still has some options for you to pay to get premium service which allows you to do almost things unlimited.

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