How to add a cool pop up cookies policy notice on your website

A cookies policy notification is a pop-up message for first-time visitors on your website. This provides your users more information about your policies.

How to add a cool pop up cookies policy notice on your website

There are different third-party websites that offer the pop-up policy notification, I recommend you use OSANO.

 Go to  .You don’t need to sign up on the website, just head straight to Start coding. After clicking on start coding, some settings will be displayed for you to create how you want the pop-up cookies policy message to appear.

Position : This is where you want the pop-up to appear. either you want the pop-up of the cookies policy to be at the bottom, top, top (push down ), floating left, and floating right.

Layout : this is just the way you want the message to appear, maybe in block, classic, edgeless, or wire.

Palette : This allows you to choose the theme you want and color you would like to you, you can choose a color related to your website.

Learn more link : This is a cookie policy link space, just copy the link to your cookies policy page and paste it in the space provided in learn more link.

Compliance type : they are different compliance, you can choose to tell your users you have a policy, choose to let your visitors opt-out of the cookies, or ask users to opt-in cookies.

Custom text : This allows you to customize your message that users read about letting them know on the cookies policy notification.

After all this process, now we need to copy the codes given to you and paste them into your Html on your website.

 Copy the first codes ( copy HTML ). For Blogspot users, login on, on the left side of your control panel, locate the theme. After locating the theme, click on it, now at the right side of the panel inside the theme settings, right-click and click on edit HTML, lot of codes will be displayed to you, just locate the open <head> tag and paste the first code given to you just after the <head> tag.


Now head back and copy the other code given to you ( copy code). After copying the code, go to layout on the control panel, Locate the entry for ” HTML/JAVASCRIPT” and click on the Add to blog button. This will bring up a new page allowing you to add some HTML or JAVASCRIPT to your sidebar. Now paste the second code you have copied and click on the Save button.
After saving, go to your website and refresh it! If you successfully did all this, your cookies policy pop-up. The notification should look like mine below.

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