Marketing Land’s daily brief features daily insights, news, tips, and essential bits of wisdom for today’s digital marketer. If you would like to read this before the rest of the internet does, sign up here to get it delivered to your inbox daily.

Good morning, Marketers, and are you ready to go back to the office?

“Those who are uberly engaged with the company want to go to the office two-thirds of the time, at least. Those who are least engaged are very comfortable working from home.” Guess who said that.

Okay, it was Sandeep Mathrani, CEO of WeWork, at The Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything Festival. I think there might be a tiny bit of self-interest behind those remarks. But seriously, brands everywhere are being challenged to rethink their go-to-market strategies in this virtual world, and the WeWork “how tomorrow works” slogan now looks a bit like yesterday.

I don’t mean to dump on WeWork. But I am intrigued to watch brands successfully changing their offerings to meet the needs of these uncertain times. Do you have great examples? Let me know:

Kim Davis

Editorial Director

Oracle announces 3D gaming ad metrics 

Oracle today announced a set of updates to its Advertising and CX Suite. The most significant were enhancements to Subscription Management, and the activation of Oracle Moat Measurement, its video metrics solution, within gaming environments.

The growth of the gaming space has only accelerated over the past year, and ad revenue is forecast to reach $56 billion by 2024. Especially popular are 3D games, where the surfaces of objects can serve as advertising spaces. “The idea of placing your logo or brand in a 3D gaming environment is appealing to a lot of companies,” said Nate Skinner, Global SVP of Marketing for Oracle Advertising and CX. “There are platforms that provide the ability to do this. What we’re announcing today is the ability to measure the impact, and determine if there’s GIVT [general invalid traffic].”

Among the other announcements were key updates to Subscription Manager. Subscription management has become increasingly important as the subscription economy continues to grow. Enhancements include pre-built reports on KPIs relevant to a subscription-based business, predictive dashboards with alerts to churn risk, and a Service Logistics integration which will let field service reps know to offer discounts, special rates or other benefits.

Read more here.

Writing a compelling session or webinar description

Whether you’re speaking at an event or are producing a webinar for leads, your goal is to attract as many people as possible. Making sure your presentation description is actionable, benefit-oriented and clear is the first step in the success of the presentation.

Before you can write a compelling presentation description, take a step back and determine what you want attendees to get out of your presentation. Don’t forget that adult learners want their information to be relevant to their jobs and focus on solving a problem.

Now that you have your learning objectives in mind, let’s talk about your presentation title. It should be clear, concise, and benefit-oriented. I’ve seen people choose sessions and webinars to attend based on the presentation title alone. Cute titles for presentations can grab the attention of potential viewers, but without the benefit clearly stated they may not ultimately register.

Next, you’ll want to add a few sentences about the presentation. Again, focus on why it’s an important topic and what attendees will get out of it.

Lastly, clearly state what attendees will be able to do as a result of attending your session. If they are going to invest 30 or 45 minutes of their limited time into this presentation it’s only fair that they know what they’ll get out of it. This goes beyond what you’re going to tell them. You need to list out what they will be able to do differently that will change the way they work for the better. Use actionable verbs like implement, execute, and analyze. Check out a sample description on our speaker best practices page.

If you have other ideas or tips on writing presentation descriptions I’d love to hear them. You can always reach out to me at

How marketing ops can help coordinate global campaigns

Large organizations are looking to marketing ops to help better coordinate their global campaigns, according to marketing ops SaaS provider BrandMaker in a study they conducted with Dimensional Research. Of the top executives surveyed, 90% said they believe their organization is struggling with this coordination to the extent that it impacts their overall marketing programs.

Here are the top ways they believe that lack of coordination is affecting marketing goals:

  • Missed opportunities for seasonal or other time-specific programs (44% of respondents indicated this);
  • Difficulty in quickly shifting resources to respond to market changes (43%);
  • Localization adds significant delays to programs (41%);
  • Content creation is slow because of the time-intensive review process (37%)

Why we care. These difficulties become more frequent across organizations in four or more countries, the study says. Marketing ops professionals have probably never been more integral in managing data-driven campaigns. Missed opportunities mean real dollars and cents to organizations. And with change being the only constant in these challenging times, marketing teams at large orgs have to be nimble to adjust and reallocate resources.

Tech giants have all become creator companies

“Amid the creator economy boom, most platforms have begun to launch features to help creators make money, including tipping features, grants and creator funds or revenue share programs,” wrote Sara Fischer for Axios.

Why we care. Whether your ad strategy includes working with influencers or not, the move toward social media and tech companies opening up monetization options for creators is ubiquitous. Platforms used to differentiate themselves by their features and target audiences. While varied audiences still flock to each site, the leading differentiator now is the platform’s “values” and what types of content creators exist there. It’s important to ask what social media platforms best align with your brand’s values.

Quote of the day

“Don’t underestimate the power of just talking with customers. Every week.” Ali Eskandari, digital marketer, dARTbase.

The post Oracle gaming ad metrics, creator economy boom: Thursday’s daily brief appeared first on Marketing Land.

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