The SMX single-day learning journey events, SMX Report and SMX Create, have been a hit with attendees eager to learn an end-to-end approach on in-depth search marketing topics.

The third event in the SMX learning journey series will be SMX Convert taking place on August 17th, which will continue in the same format. The event will offer search marketers both a PPC and SEO track with learning segments focused on the different stages of the customer journey from awareness to conversion–whether that be a sale, a reservation, a filled-out lead form, webinar signup or any other ways attendees define a conversion for their business.

The SEO track will tackle keywords and copy that convert, content marketing and link building, navigation and CTAs, as well as testing. The PPC track will cover copy that converts, audiences and targeting, landing page design and CRO.

If you specialize in any of these areas and are interested in speaking, please submit a pitch on one of these topics right away. The deadline for SMX Convert pitches is June 10th!

Here are a few tips for submitting a compelling session proposal:

  • Include details about what an attendees will be able to do better or different as a result of attending your session.
  • Include a case study or specific examples and explain how they can be applied in different types of organizations.
  • Be realistic about what you can present in the time allotted. Going more in-depth on a narrow topic is often more valuable to the attendee than trying to cover too much.
  • Provide tangible takeaways and a plan of action.

Jump over to this page for more details on how to submit a session idea, or directly to this page to create your profile and submit a session pitch.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me directly at I’m looking forward to reading your proposals!

The post SMX Convert: Submit your session ideas now appeared first on Search Engine Land.

By Admin

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